We hope you find out all you need to know about our school from this website but if you don’t, feel free to give us a call. We are an excellent school with amazing children and staff. We love our school and are sure you will too!
What are we like as a school?
The best place to see us in action is through our 'class pages', 'curriculum', and the 'about us' pages. - use the tabs above to have a closer look at what our learning at The Grove School looks like. Please also see our FAQ's on the link below.
Coming to visit?
We are happy to show you around our lovely school. Please email Hilary Priest, the Headteacher, to arrange a visit at head@the-grove-primary.devon.sch.uk.
Please note: There is no on-site parking except for disabled parking and access is restricted in the interests of the safety of our pupils, staff and visitors. Please find alternative parking outside of the school grounds and walk in to school and use the double doors at our entrance on The Grove.
Safeguarding at our school is our highest priority.
Please see our safeguarding policy for more details and if you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact us. Find details for contact here:
We are part of Operation Encompass, helping families within domestic abuse situations. Please see http://www.operationencompass.org/
Hilary Priest, Headteacher