
Music in Action

Curriculum Music 
Year 1/2 Autumn 2023
We've had a brilliant start to our music-making in year 1/2! Our first Charanga module is "My musical Heartbeat" teaching us that music is a part of us and encouraging us to think about rhythm and melody.We love listening to different styles of music and answering questions about it - especially whether we enjoyed it or not! We have been using glockenspiels to perform simple melodies using 2 or 3 notes with accuracy, this also helps us to understand different octaves which we play in unison. We learn about warming up our voices so that we're ready to sing beautifully. 
Curriculum Music
Year 3/4 Music Autumn 2023
Using the musical scheme Charanga as a teaching tool the children have been really getting to grips with contrasting musical skills. We listen to a range of high quality music and challenge the children to answer technical questions about dynamics, instrumentation etc. When we warm-up for music we revisit technical vocabulary so that musical understanding is constantly being retrieved and built upon throughout their journey through school. The children learn to sing and perform new songs, play simple melodies, improvise on tuned percussion and create simple compositions on ipads.
English National Opera Outreach Collaboration
Year 3/4
For our Spring music making we received some exciting post from English National Opera! One of their composers had started a composition and as a class we had to finish it. The project was called Finish This! and you can find more information about it here:
But have a look at our photos below to see some of our work and, most importantly, our finished composition which we submitted at the end of the Spring term.
Curriculum Music year 5/6
Autumn 2023
Our first module this term has focused on melody and starting to consider simple harmonies. We have been particularly listening to and learning music with a minor key and thought about what impact this has on the piece. We have been using Charanga to prompt us with our increasingly diverse range of musical vocabulary and using the songs to enhance our singing but also looking further afield to listen to iconic orchestral pieces like "Danse de Macabre". We have been experimenting with composition on ipads, looking at graphic and traditional scores.
Enriching musical experiences
We love to have musical visitors in to help us with our music-making. These projects are really memorable and valuable workshops for children and teachers!
Elfyn, our Musician in Residence, has been visiting The Grove and together a group of Year 5 and 6 people, we have put together this amazing piece of music. Elfyn has combined it with our works of Space Art too.

Follow the link below. What do you think?

Performance Opportunities!
We come together as a school for a weekly singing assembly, sometimes these are in preparation for our school shows. Year 3/4 perform at Christmas, we are incredibly lucky to be welcomed by KEVICC, our local secondary school, and are able to use their professional theatre. Year 1/2 perform in the hall at school and in the summer term year 5/6 do a summer show at KEVICC. Preparations are already underway for the year 3/4 performance of "The Snow Queen".
Expect theatrical dances, beautiful singing and amazing actors!
Music Mark!
We are proud holders of a Music Mark award: recognising that we place importance and value on our music teaching! This will allow us to use teaching resources and connect with other schools.